
I’ve been working for 3 years as a Marketing / UI Designer for Netlify. The amount of work done during this time is massive. I’ve helped taking 2 rebrands, doing the whole image of the Jamstack – and and creating a design system for it; creating illustrated mascots and stickers, OG Images, Marketing material like newsletters, PDFs, Banners and Social Media campaigns. I also helped creating print material for several congresses. I also helped in the creation of brand guidelines and reusable components for other team members.




Web / Marketing / Branding / UI



Integrated Design System

Netlify has gone through several rebrands since my start in 2019. In this last one, I was part of helping choosing the colors and creating key UI elements all over the site, as well as unifying an Icon System, leading Illustration workshops to figure out style and a Design System Council to bridge both marketing and the app together.

Here are some OG Image component systems based off the branding. Ideally anyone from Marketing can come into Figma, choose a template, replace the text, export – and ready to go!


I lead a project in which we looking ways how to bridge the Marketing Site with the App. I made a list of all existing components and compared them side to side to detect possible overlap and collaboration possibilities. Since we’re still going through a full-on re-design, we need those new components to be ready. But this map serves as a guide for the Marketing/App fusion.

From here on: General UI screen designs.

Netlipets! These are some of the character designs I did for the different ‘pods’ or subgroups in which Netlify organizes itself. Turning dull, boring IT groups into super-cute, relatable Mascots.



Older Marketing material